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Episode Two? Can’t Be True!

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Ooooh, weeee, It’s Episode Three!

Yee be needing more? Here’s episode Four!

Why are we starting with masculinity?

“We all work with Joy Channel on the mission of exploring and changing the world through education through a lens of joy and engagement. As we do this work, we understand that when we run into resistance, so much of it often comes from those patriarchal thoughts and feelings that people have either internalized or have actually used to get where they are today. And if we, as the (mostly) masculine identifying members of the Joy Channel group, don't do that work ourselves, we can get caught up in it as well.

And so when it came to the idea of reimagining what masculinity can be going forward, we also understand that we have to look at what is and has been, in order to find out what can come.”

— Glenn Carrere

MehSculinity Glossary

  • Sex assigned at birth

    This is the sex the doctor, midwife & or parents and family used to describe a child at the beginning of their life, based on their external anatomy. Ex: "It's a boy!" or "We have a little girl" or a gender reveal party announcing the sex of the baby with elaborate pink or blue decor (that may also cause catastrophic wildfires)

  • Gender identity

    You can’t see someone’s gender identity, honey dumplin. This is internal. Basically, it’s how someone sees themself - which could be male, female, both, neither, somewhere in between all that, or ever-evolving.

  • Gender Expression

    Okay, now this you can see. It’s how someone express their gender - with clothing, appearance, mannerisms, and behavior. This could conform to society’s notions of gender - what is seen as “masculine” or “feminine”. Your expression may or may not match your gender identity, or sex assigned at birth.

  • Cisgender

    How we describe someone whose gender identity is aligned with the sex assigned at birth. Something to note: someone can be cisgender, and still have gender expression that differs from their internal gender identity.

  • Transgender or Trans

    A big umbrella term for folk whose gender identity is different from societal expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. This identity can be expressed or shared with others, or kept private. Meaning- you may have trans folks in your life, and don’t know it yet.

  • Non-binary

    Also could be: Genderqueer, gender-fluid, gender & bigender. Non-binary people may identify as being both a man and a woman, somewhere in between, or as falling completely outside these categories. Just so you know, throughout history, tons of different cultures have had folks that identified along the lines of Non-binary, so this ain’t new!

A cartoon depiction of Eric, our lead question-er!


Got questions?

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Other Resources Exploring Masculinity & Gender Fluidity that We Love!

  • Scene on Radio: Men Season 3

    What’s up with this male-dominated world? How did we get sexism, patriarchy, misogyny in the first place? How can we get better at seeing it, and what can we do about it? Co-hosts John Biewen and Celeste Headlee explore those questions and more.

  • All things Ashanti Branch

    In 2004 as a first year teacher, Ashanti started The Ever Forward Club to provide a support group for African American and Latino males, who were not achieving to the level of their potential. Since then, The Ever Forward Club has grown to serve both young men and women and become a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The Ever Forward Club has helped 100% of its members graduate high school and 93% of them have gone on to attend college.

  • ALOK

    ALOK (they/them) is an internationally acclaimed writer, performer, and public speaker. As a mixed-media artist their work explores themes of trauma, belonging, and the human condition. They are the author of Femme in Public (2017), Beyond the Gender Binary (2020), and Your Wound/My Garden (2021). They are the creator of #DeGenderFashion: a movement to degender fashion and beauty industries